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Election '04

Howard Dean is Not Insane 01.26.04

The conservative fringe media, including our own beloved Arksie, are trying to turn you against Howard Dean by making him out like some kind of raving madman. I say that's poppycock.

Kill Frowno 02.11.04

Everyone's on the bandwagon of John Kerry's supposed electability, but I say he's bad for the Democratic party, bad for politics, and bad for America. (Bonus: I compare the remaining Democratic candidates to characters from The Simpsons.)

Home of the Whopper 02.20.04

I've figured out why George W. Bush is so inept at speaking in public, and I think I deserve a Nobel Prize for this one.

Maim Nader 03.15.04

On the advice of counsel, I've had to dial down the homicidal epithets, but Ralph Nader has entered the 2004 presidential race, and buckle up, because I have a few things to say about it!

Swallowing Debate 10.01.04

Four hurricanes in a row and now this? Florida has had a really tough month – I wonder if they'll decide to skip voting altogether this time.

Diary of a Political Tourist 10.12.04

Alexandra Pelosi follows up Journeys with George with another verité look behind the scenes of the political process. There's not much to be learned here, but if you like dreamy shots of John Edwards, you should enjoy it.

Lies, Damned Lies, and the "Global Test" 10.28.04

It's way, way too late now, but someone besides me and Jon Stewart is finally talking (however briefly) about the difference between equal-time and non-partisan.

And the lying liars who tell them 07.13.05

I ran across this quote last night, during some reading about statistics, global warming, and the politicization of science. Although I lived next door to his birthplace for two years, I never realized how much I'd like Adlai Stevenson.
