Fall TV Previews
A System for TV Premiere Season 08.27.04
My mental illness is no secret. In this case, it expresses itself in a giant, time-wasting TV grid project when I should've been packing for a road trip.
Fall TV Paperwork 09.08.05
It's time to get cracking on the 2005 fall TV season – and not a moment too soon. Downloadable fall TV guides included.
Guide to Fall Shows 08.18.06
In order to have a few shows canceled by mid-September, Fox is starting the fall season early. Hell or high water, we'll be ready.
New Shows Coming! 08.20.07
You may have noticed an ad or two for the new fall shows. (If you've been watching NBC, the "lower-thirds" are taking up two or three thirds right now.) Here's the complete listing.
Get Your Grids! 08.29.08
New TV shows are coming and you wouldn't want to be caught unawares. Stock up with informative schedules and speculative analysis.
Gentlemen, Start Your TiVos! 09.08.09
The new TV season is starting, setting records for mass excitement about glee club and community college. (Ah, we love our losers, don't we?)
Debuted Sept. 8 09.15.10
I would say "better late than never," but I wouldn't want to imply anything about the quality of this fall's new shows or my writing about them.
Unto You a Season is Born 09.14.11
(Yes, I have officially given up on coming up with clever headlines for these columns.) The TV season is starting!