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TiVo Doomsaying

"Acoustic TV" 05.26.04

I really like the term "acoustic TV" to refer to boob-tuberie sans TiVo's gentle, soothing touch. I'd say I still watch far fewer commercials than I did before TiVo, but not zero.

Breaking my TiVo-lovin' heart 08.13.04

I'm really really tired of the doomsday predictions about TiVo. Everybody just stop it! It's like every business analyst wants TiVo to fail, just 'cause it'll make a great story.

More Saving TiVo 08.19.04

For whatever reason, the "Business 2.0" column that was referred to in a PVRblog entry linked here previously is now available as full text. If you're interested in this sort of thing, it has exciting implications for the future of TiVo.

TiVo, Netflix Teaming Up 09.07.04

If you could somehow work Pixar and Skittles into this, it would just about be the best thing ever.

# Has TiVo Forsaken Us? Link

TiVo bends to industry pressure, installing Macrovision copy protection software. But it's not as gloomy as it sounds... yet.

Re: Its time to Rethink TV 01.17.05

DirecTV president and CEO Mitch Stern (or, lackeys acting on his behalf) sent out a jolly e-mail message to me and other DirecTV subscribers, detailing their exciting new plans for 2005.

TiVo and advertising 07.18.05

TiVo has a new offering for advertisers wary of viewers fast-forwarding past their commercials: it will display an icon while the commercial zips by, allowing users to click to watch a commercial or learn more about a product.

# Ah TiVo, we hardly knew ye Link

Drunken Batman (my favorite blogger name of all time) asserts that TiVo's death is finally unavoidable. I'm holding out hope.
