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I'm a Wii Baron!—4:02 PM

With the advent of Wii Mario Kart and Spielberg/EA's silly and engaging Boom Blox, it was time enough for me to acquire a Wii. When all the research was done, it was clear that I'd have to get very lucky to get one from eBay at or below retail price. So, when ten of them showed up at Target, I saw a money-making opportunity. Why not buy a couple extra, and turn a tidy profit?

Turns out the time to do this was last Christmas – I'll end up with a profit, but only a wee one.

Item Income (Expense)
2 Wiis (Wiii?) (499.98)
Target REDcard discount 50.00
Sales Tax (31.50)
Auction sales 602.00
eBay fees (21.14)
PayPal fees (18.06)
Shipping (28.22)
Total Profit: 53.10

The point, kiddies, is don't quit the day job.

During the same period, some units sold for $20-$30 more than mine. Probably just luck of the draw, but it might be because I refused to add flashing graphics and garish colors to my listings. (Then I got a little cute with the language.) But surely nobody bases their purchase decision on that stuff, right? They're just dying to buy a Wii – any Wii will do! For definitive proof, I'd have to run more auctions and try all the variables, but I'm retiring from the Wii-flipping biz. The margins are too slim and the graphics are too flashy.

5 Comments (Add your comments)

BrandonTue, 6/10/08 11:50pm

This one definitely goes into my Top 10 All-Time Favorite onebee entry titles. It's just such an obscure reference, to such a throwaway gag, that it made me chuckle. Well done, Mr. Lenny. Well done.

BrandonWed, 6/11/08 1:31pm

Upon further reflection, I think I may be remembering something that doesn't exist. I could've sworn that Groundskeeper Willie once had a throwaway line about "the wee barons" (and no, I'm not thinking of the classic "Save me from the wee turtles!"), but I can find no evidence of it on the tubes of the interwebs. L'il help? Anybody? I'm looking at you, Mulder.

Joe MulderWed, 6/11/08 6:14pm

Sorry; can't help. I don't remember it. Plus, with a thick Scottish accent, something that sounds like "wee barons" could have been almost anything; wee Burns, wee bends, wee pharaohs...

Bee BoyWed, 6/11/08 7:23pm

I think Brandon's brain has gone into shock due to the plummet in Simpsons quality, and has started inventing episodes that seem real to him. Though known only to him, these non-episodes are still funny and quotable. That makes this certainly my most obscure reference yet!

BrandonWed, 6/11/08 9:36pm

I like this theory. Let's run with it.

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