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PAF!—11:25 AM

Check out this banner ad for Disney Vacations, and tell me it wouldn't make the Nine Old Men spin in their graves.

It reminded me of the following sketch from Frank Thomas & Ollie Johnston's masterwork, Disney Animation: The Illusion of Life, in the chapter devoted to basic character drawing techniques. The point is, too much symmetry makes a character look flat and lifeless.

Am I crazy? Leaving aside the eyes and the change of clothes, does the Mickey in the banner ad not look exactly like the "don't" version of Carson Osten's sketch?

This is day one Mickey-drawing stuff, guys. I'm dumping my Disney stock.

1 Comment (Add your comments)

Bee BoyThu, 2/14/08 4:36pm

I was joshing about the Disney stock, of course. I don't really want the shares I have, but I got them in the Pixar buyout, so I suppose I'll hold on to them for sentimental reasons.

As luck would have it, they sent me e-mail just the other day to collect my proxy vote for the upcoming shareholder meeting (in Albuquerque, of all places). The Mickey that shows up on the shareholder proxy voting site has the same woodenness problem with his ears and hands!

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