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This Modern World—4:22 PM

It's great when you can tell within seconds how thoroughly you will hate someone. When they refer to cars as "cocoons" that keep them "insulated from the people around us," and say that only family and co-workers "saw us stripped of the metal that clothed and protected us," you just know they're pretentious assholes.

Which is fine for them. I'm sure they've got plenty of friends who appreciate their semi-poetic diatribes about how stupefying the suburbs are, how the Internet diminishes social interaction, candy is bad, cell phones are evil, and the only people who really have it figured out are the Amish.

In this particular story, it's another case of people too self-absorbed to realize that they can change things about their lives without swearing off TV, selling all their cars, or making some other monstrous change. Want a better rapport with your video store clerk? You don't have to sell your house, just strike up a goddamn conversation with your video store clerk.

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