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onebee Writing Photos Reviews About

More Death and Sorrow—9:25 AM

Apparently, my senior year was a bit of a downer. (I always remembered it being kind of fun!) Finding no reason not to, I'm posting another short story I wrote that year – and it's got more misery and tears.

This time, we were given eight images of various weird occurrences – each with a title and a caption. The idea was to build a story around the image, incorporating the caption at some point. I forget where the pictures came from, but they always had a sort of Chris van Allsburg vibe to them, I thought.

I'm pretty proud of the setup I devised for this story and I think the narrative style and pace are pretty good, with lots of nice detail. Of course, like everything I write, the denouement comes on like a flash flood. I guess I get antsy and want to stop writing; what I should do is stop writing for the moment and come back later when I've got a fresh stock of words in me.

Anyway, live and learn. (Gradually, of course. I mean, here we are ten years later...)

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