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The Colbert Report - Tonight!—11:21 AM

Don't forget, people! The Colbert Report debuts tonight, right after The Daily Show. I'm familiar with the dangers of the expectation game, but this time I can't help myself. The unfortunate result is that I'll be crestfallen if the awesomeness of this show fails to leave me prone on the floor in a puddle of my own tears and vomit.

Still, chances are that it will! I'm putting tarps down!

3 Comments (Add your comments)

Bee BoyMon, 10/17/05 11:40pm

All I'll say is, thank God for the tarps. Expectations lived up to at a magnitude up to which they've never before been lived. If you fetishize Stephen Colbert as I do, you won't be disappointed. Every moment bears his unmistakable stamp: that combination of misguided hubris and overcompensatory gravitas that skewers blowhards like O'Reilly while mocking robots like Stone Phillips (tonight's guest).

It's a shame there has to be a guest segment, but The Colbert Report delivers many more jokes per minute than The Daily Show; at that rate, they could never fill half an hour every night. Fortunately, Colbert is a gifted improviser, and the interview is as brilliant as everything else. Hell, even the vanity cards are the funniest on TV this year.

Well played.

MoniqueTue, 10/18/05 12:09pm

I stayed up to see the maiden voyage and wasn't disappointed in the least, in fact I loved it even more than I thought I would. It's a good thing that TIVO will be installed soon so I can catch future episodes at a more reasonable hour (I'm so sleepy). Yipee!

Bee BoyWed, 10/19/05 6:02pm

I'm just getting a chance to watch last night's Daily Show, with guest Bill O'Reilly. (Ugh.) When he first takes his seat, O'Reilly asks Jon, "I understand you've got some French guy coming on after your show, making fun of me?"

Jon just chuckles, which is a huge disappointment. This is a glimmering opportunity for him to say this, which he would have if he were on the top of his normally quick game:

The Colbert Report makes fun of uninformed talk show blowhards who present their half-baked opinions as facts and are too busy celebrating their own egos to engage in anything that might resemble journalism or analysis. Bill, if you count yourself among that group, then I guess he's making fun of you.

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