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Commenting Yonder—11:25 AM

I don't always copy onebee when I post comments on another site, but in rare cases it's worth doing – since I won't have time to compose my own entire post on the subject today, read Alicia's take on W's statement of responsibility regarding Katrina, and my comments to follow:

I think the key phrase here is “to the extent the federal government didn’t fully do its job right.” Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad he’s owning up to some accountability, but adding this qualification is similar to his flip-flop on the Rove/Wilson affair: “If anyone’s committed a crime, they’ll no longer work in my administration.”

Basically, he’s saying, “If the Katrina investigation panel determines that the federal government dropped the ball, I’ll be the first to step up and take the blame. Now, let me pack the Katrina panel with partisans and stymy its efforts to get at the facts - then we’ll let the chips fall where they may.”

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