Thu, August 11, 2005
The Situation Room—6:08 PM
CNN's Wolftastic new program The Situation Room perpetuates the insipid, divisive, non-informative scourge that cable news has become. That is all.
Thu, August 11, 2005
CNN's Wolftastic new program The Situation Room perpetuates the insipid, divisive, non-informative scourge that cable news has become. That is all.
Bee Boy — Fri, 8/26/05 9:44am
Roger Ailes and I rarely agree on much of anything, but I'm pleased to see that The Situation Room makes him puke, as well.
Anonymous Coward — Tue, 12/30/08 10:54am
By now I think the government may have learned what most any 4th. grader could have told them; our national economic troubles can be blamed (without a doubt in mine and millions of other minds, on the greedy grabbing gasoline companies. Fool with most anything and you may upset a lot of people.....fool with commerce and you will effect the world. The gasoline companies did just that. Transportation costs more than doubled, so did food, the very things that set our life pace. Don't let the fuel prices go back up. Even down more would help stabalize our economy.
Bee Boy — Tue, 12/30/08 11:05am
I think you meant to post that on the Love Monkey thread.