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Labor Day. Drop Dead. No Excuses.—12:16 PM

Work on the re-bee has been progressing despite the lack of updates. In fact, it's the reason there haven't been any updates – I've been too busy working (or playing poker; or driving to Irvine for stand-up comedy). But I realized something this morning: the new fall TV shows will begin trickling in next week or the week after, and if I'm still tied up with the re-bee, I'll never have time for the Annual TiVo Gauntlet of New Fall Programming.

So, it's settled: gone are the days of the hazy "mid-July" deadline. We waved bye-bye to "August 1" weeks ago. But, sometime on Labor Day, the re-bee will be complete. Heller high water. It's happening.

Recently in the re-bee:

So, we're getting there! All that remains are a few interface niceties, some kind of system for handling video (very simple), and then tying up loose ends. But if you don't hear from me this week, you'll know why!

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