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King Kong Preview—9:33 PM

Well, regardless of anything else, Naomi Watts looks breathtaking. The movie definitely promises to be quite a ride. I wish there were a few more shots that hadn't been filmed against a green screen. I like Peter Jackson fine (more so after the Blue Tights on-set footage) but my chief complaint about his movies is that they're a little too fantastic. (Of course, I understand that LOTR is the definition of fantasy, so on that score the fault is my own.) Everything's so grand and surreal, with the virtual camera swooping and diving, and the scenery going on and on into infinity. When Kong throws a taxi, it lands and slides perfectly into the camera. It's a style, to be sure, but it's one that makes it hard for me to establish a connection to the movie. I'm hopeful that there's a great deal of character work in the scenes we (necessarily) don't see in the trailer. It would be nice for the actors to have a chance to act against something non-imaginary. (Not that acting against Adrien Brody is much different from acting against a blank wall painted bright blue.) I'm certainly optimistic that this will be the case. I look forward to seeing the movie.

(Still, the T. rex really doesn't sound right without the baby elephant.)

See the trailer.

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