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Maggie on SI—12:25 PM

Spring: a young man's thoughts turn to crushes past. Guess what! Maggie Haskins has a column on SI.com now.

From her Final Four column, pleading with sportswriters to retire the cliché of creating four-pointed lists when writing about the Final Four:

  1. It's not that witty, everybody does it.
  2. Too much alliteration with the letter "F" doesn't make it any cooler.
  3. A writer usually only has three good points to make about any given subject and the last one is usually a filler.
  4. See No. 3.

Gotta love it!

2 Comments (Add your comments)

"Jay"Mon, 11/7/05 1:56pm

I am a victim of looking way too closely at miss Haskins. Pray for Me!

Anonymous CowardSun, 1/14/07 1:51am

Lame, Maggie....now THAT sort of reprise is a cliche, and it's why you didn't win Dream Job.

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