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Knight in Flannel Armor—9:41 AM

Wired has an article that stands out from the typical Star Wars glut in the run up to Episode III (The lines! The Sith! The O.C. guest spot!) – discussing director George Lucas's desire to return to the avant garde filmmaking by which he defined himself at the very start of his career.

When Episode I was so awful, I was groaning that Lucas took the wrong tack. He's built an impenetrable financial security for himself – why should he make bad movies that attempt to pander to the lowest common denominator? Now, it seems like maybe he agrees. Making better movies was his plan all along, but he wanted to get Star Wars out of the way first.

"I've earned the right to fail, which means making what I think are really great movies that no one wants to see."

Wouldn't it be hilarious if in the long run he turned out to be my hero after all?

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