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onebee Writing Photos Reviews About

A Gala Day—5:30 PM

As predicted, the gallery page was easier since it built on the framework established by the individual page. This one only took about half a day. Also as predicted, there were many glitches and unforseen "gotchas." Dear Lord, why is CSS support so befuddled across browsers? And why is IE such a pain in the ass all around? You tell it, "I want to put this box of text right here" and it comes back, "How about HERE?! Mwa ha ha!" It makes you long for the days when it looked like it was about to be litigated out of existence.

Does 20 pictures a page look like too much? I could cut it to 16 to ensure that the entire gallery stays "above the fold" for all users, but that seems like a small amount to have on one page. Then again, most people will open the gallery, click on the first picture, and navigate the rest of the way directly from photo to photo.

Is all of this intensely boring? I try to ensure that no more than half of any given update is devoted to techno-babble. I'll be going to McRace in an hour or so, which will be the first time I've seen another human being since Friday. Perhaps that will offer a much needed re-education in interacting with others.

3 Comments (Add your comments)

MoniqueWed, 4/20/05 7:54am

Looks great, love the photos and the architecture... 2 geniuses in one family, Wow!

"kotc"Wed, 4/20/05 5:39pm

I click on the pictures and instead of giving me the close-up picture I'm anticipating, it gives me another page like the first... ??? (IE 6.0)

Bee BoyWed, 4/20/05 9:40pm

It's just a mockup, silly. If you want to see the close-up pictures, you're going to have to wait a few weeks just like everyone else.

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