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It's Kickin' In!—2:20 AM

We're getting there! Starting today you'll notice a new little sliver on this site's homepage, a bit of abject punnery called "Buzzworthy." Its focus is to bring new things to your attention that you might have otherwise missed. Sort of a "movers and shakers" section. Right now, that consists of Links Of Interest, new updates in our brand new FAQ section, and recent entries that you might have missed because you don't feel like scrolling all the way to the bottom of the homepage. (And God bless you if you don't – it's exhausting!)

The FAQ/Esoterica page lives in the About section of the site, which is where I'm currently focusing my overhauling powers, so a few more new things will pop up there very soon, and they'll find their way into the Buzzworthy box. The FAQ is based on the "wiki" metaphor – "wiki" is a nerdy way of saying it's a web page you can edit. So, everyone can contribute questions and everyone can collaborate on the answers. Sound fun? I hope so.

Once the other new features are up and running, I'm considering taking the entries out of the Buzzworthy list, since technically they are already listed elsewhere on the same page. I'm very open to your suggestions (pro or con) on that idea. Also, I thought it might make sense to do away with the "Your Comments" listing on the left of the homepage and list recent comments in Buzzworthy – since the whole point is that that's where you look to see what's changing and what's fresh. Again, your reactions to that idea are welcome.

Hope you like the new stuff! If not, let me know. If anything looks really weird or out of place, try refreshing your browser to load the new styles – if it still doesn't look right, email me. God knows I left plenty of room for bugs to creep in.

2 Comments (Add your comments)

BrandonMon, 9/13/04 12:51pm

I like the Buzzworthy box, nice addition. And I think the community FAQ will be a lot of fun. I like the "Your Comments" section the way it is, but if you prefer to relocate it, have at it.

Anonymous CowardMon, 9/13/04 1:17pm

Ha! I who cares if it's good? "movers and shakers" just cracks me up ;)

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