Fri, August 13, 2004
Breaking my TiVo-lovin' heart—10:42 AM
I'm really really tired of the doomsday predictions about TiVo. Everybody just stop it! It's like every business analyst wants TiVo to fail, just 'cause it'll make a great story. But if TiVo's chief problem is losing mindshare, it's because of dour articles like this one:
A Murkier Picture for TiVo [BusinessWeek]
We don't need any more of your smug negativity, thank you very much! Fortunately, PVRblog is there to brighten my spirits. (Not that I think we should play their game by implying that TiVo needs to be "saved," but at least it's an upbeat post.)
"Holly" — Fri, 8/20/04 1:29am
I've been out of touch and marrying off my sister and flying from coast to coast WITH my TiVo and – in the process – persuading at least two relatives to actually buy TiVos, which they have done – and I come back to THIS? After all my hard WORK?
This world can be so cruel, arbitrary, and stupid. Long live TiVo.