Wed, May 26, 2004
More self-aggrandizement—5:10 PM
Me! A contributor to Jason Santa Maria's listing of Best Band Name(s) Ever. Need a name for your band? Here's the first place to stop!
48. Feral Porpoise (submitted by Jameson)
Wed, May 26, 2004
Me! A contributor to Jason Santa Maria's listing of Best Band Name(s) Ever. Need a name for your band? Here's the first place to stop!
48. Feral Porpoise (submitted by Jameson)
Bee Boy — Fri, 6/4/04 10:20am
Okay, I let it slide when JSM didn't accept my next submission to BBNE ("The Honey Buggers"), because I never loved it that much – it was just a cheaply calculated play to get another submission on the list. (The list is full of dopey spoonerisms like that.) But, this week I sent him "U Thant and the Infant Dilettantes" and got nothing!
Not only does that belong on a list of the best band names ever – it is the best band name ever!