Wed, May 26, 2004
"Acoustic TV"—4:23 PM
DVRs: Secret Weapons In Advertisers' Web Of Evil? [Defamer]
I really like the term "acoustic TV" to refer to boob-tuberie sans TiVo's gentle, soothing touch. I'd say I still watch far fewer commercials than I did before TiVo, but not zero. Occasionally, if I'm zipping past a commercial and it looks really interesting, I'll actually go back. What the hell? I've got the time – it's TiVo!
I'm not sure I buy the concept that advertisements "get through" because TiVoers see them (albeit in quick flashes) while fast-forwarding. I suppose I notice those ads, but I'd hardly call them effective. I guess the point is that I wouldn't have been able to back up and watch them if I'd been channel surfing. True, I never would've known about Trading $paces: 100 Grand if not for seeing a commercial in a flash of fast-forwarding. (It should be noted that the ability to click on an ad – or TV show – for more information and/or to order a product via your remote has been my idea for years.)
Also remaindered: Wonkette on LOGO, the new Viacom network catering to gays. (Or, as Defamer calls it, "Bravo 2: We've Stopped Pretending.") I'm a fan of "Logo execs do it down the gay channel."
And: Asshat Central. (NYT says "sorry" for reporting the war jingoistically instead of journalistically.)