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Is It Just Me?

I had to go to the bank today, which I probably haven't done in about two years, but I wanted to deposit coins and you can't do that at the ATM. (And I'll be damned if I'm paying CoinStar a commission for taking the guesswork out of sorting coins by size!)

I've deposited coins maybe four times before at my bank, and the policy is never the same twice. I always have a few coins left over that don't fill up a whole sleeve. The first time, I brought them in a Ziploc bag, and the teller said I should have wrapped them in a coin wrapper and just written the total on the side, but she'd accept them anyway. Next time, I tried it her way and the teller eyed me suspiciously while demanding that I dump them out so she could count them.

So, today I brought them in wrappers with the total written on the side. I figured, easier to dump them out again than put them in. I snipped off the excess so they wouldn't fall open too easily – a choice I'd live to regret. Well, today I'm told that they don't accept coins if they don't fill up a wrapper. Ridiculous! This is a bank, right? (I'm reminded of the line I used when I renewed a book from the university library, only to receive written notice that I needed to have it back early or face fines – "It's like a library, kind of!")

Thinking quickly, I withdrew $4.80 from my checking account, the twelve quarters and eighteen dimes I'd need to finish off the two incomplete rolls. But alas, because I'd cut them short, I can only plan to return and deposit the full rolls later. True victory would have been to add the new coins and immediately re-deposit them in roll form. Either way, I think I've made my point. It's the same money. It's the same bank. What the hell have they got to do that's so much better than accepting my $3.20 in dimes?

I don't know. Is it just me?

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