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Observe the Programming Executive in His Natural Habitat

This, from HBO last night (right after this week's installment of Band of Brothers, a gritty war epic with lots of dead bodies):

"Due to recent national events, the premieres of Curb Your Enthusiasm and The Mind of the Married Man will be delayed until Sunday, September 23."

That's right. In order to protect our fragile collective psyche, they bumped two seemingly harmless comedies, Curb Your Enthusiasm (about a neurotic, nebbishy comedian in Los Angeles) and The Mind of the Married Man (about a neurotic, rock-stupid columnist in Chicago) and aired instead... X-Men. X-Men, in which a power-hungry madman trains a small but devoted sect of social outcasts who resent American opposition to their way of life, and leads them in an attempted terrorist attack on New York City, culminating with explosions atop the Statue of Liberty.

Good call, programming exec!

Watch as he returns to the grooming of his mate, amid much grunting and celebratory slapping of the genitals.

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