While I cheerfully acknowledge that – by opening this site up to the contributions of strangers via comments and polls – I partially relinquish control of its content, I still find ballot-stuffing initiatives like this one pretty infantile. 12 votes in an hour?
"KOTC" — Sun, 10/3/04 2:28pm
Art imitating life? Those evil conservatives... Maybe the media trying to be sensational... hmmm? or as you say, an action worthy of verbal reprimand.
Bee Boy — Sun, 10/3/04 7:11pm
Evil indeed. Ooo, they burn me up. If I had my refrigerator poetry with me, I'd show them a thing or two!!
Bee Boy — Sun, 10/3/04 11:05am
While I cheerfully acknowledge that – by opening this site up to the contributions of strangers via comments and polls – I partially relinquish control of its content, I still find ballot-stuffing initiatives like this one pretty infantile. 12 votes in an hour?
"KOTC" — Sun, 10/3/04 2:28pm
Art imitating life? Those evil conservatives... Maybe the media trying to be sensational... hmmm? or as you say, an action worthy of verbal reprimand.
Bee Boy — Sun, 10/3/04 7:11pm
Evil indeed. Ooo, they burn me up. If I had my refrigerator poetry with me, I'd show them a thing or two!!
Anonymous Coward — Tue, 10/5/04 1:41pm
Check out www.youforgotpoland.com; hilarious. Might be the third-funniest website ever.