Thu, September 25, 2008
Spoilers: the last ten minutes of last night's Criminal Minds Thanks, Internet! Every network web site streams full episodes of selected shows. When you know an episode has been pre-empted for thousands of viewers, why not add it to that list?
Joe Mulder — Thu, 9/25/08 10:33pm
Point taken, but, you could also just move back to California, where this stuff never happens because of the time zone.
Just sayin'.
Bee Boy — Fri, 9/26/08 9:36am
Sure sure. But I'm going to have to wait for an uptick in the housing market or a wealthy fiancée before I'm in any position to make a change. (The scary thing is, those two are about exactly as likely.) Where's my bailout, goddammit? I'm not voting 'til I get my bailout.